Welcome to the first warcraftrumble.gg design contest! Blizzard has generously given us some bundles to hand out, so we thought we'd have a bit of fun with it with a mini design contest. The winners will receive a bundle containing

  • 300 Coins
  • A random Blackrock Leader
  • A random Blackrock Mini

The best 9 entries will receive the prize and will be featured in an upcoming article where we discuss just why we thought your ideas were the best we saw.

To enter, send [email protected] your mini idea and how you'd like to be credited. The deadline is the 25th of January, Anywhere on Earth. Winning entries will receive their prize immediately and the feature article will come shortly after.

Guidelines are pretty open on this one. It's nice if you include things like talents or stats, but if you've just got a good high-level idea, send it through anyway. We look forward to seeing your creativity!