Absorption Drape

Aegis of Bark
Deploying your

Aegis of Battle

Aegis of Bone

Aegis of Primal Rage

Aegis of Recovery
Deploying your

Aegis of Scales
Deploying your

Airborne Toxin

Amulet of Vigor
The first Mini you play costs 1 less Gold and gains

Anointed Pickaxe
Each Gold you

Arachnid Whistle
Playing your

Arcane Crystal

Auctioneer's Contract

Band of the Arcanist

Band of the Protector

Barbed Chain

Basilisk Fang
Your non-Spell Minis'

Black Whelp Tunic
Your Towers, Barracks, and Meeting Stones spawn a Whelp Egg every 15 seconds.

Bloodlust Epaulets
Your Minis gain

Bloodshot Greaves
Whenever you have 3 or less active Minis on the field, they gain

Bone Whistle
Playing your

Bounty Board
Your Minis taunt on deploy.

Box of Bang Snaps
Deploying an

Box of Bang Snaps
Dungeon Level Unchanged.

Broken Chain

Broodling Whistle
Playing your

Burrowing Banner
Deploying an

Captain's Helm

Charred Instruction
After deploying your

Chromatic Shroud

Coated Spearhead

Darkmoon Prize Wheel
Minis costing 3

Divine Parchment
Deploying your

Escape Potion
At 50% health, your Minis Blink, teleporting backwards.

Feathered Shroud

Flash Bang
Deploying an

Floral Chain

Frost Armor

Frost Inscription
Your Barracks and Towers apply

Gauntlets of Determination

Gazlowe's Blueprints
Your Towers turn into Rocket Towers.

Glazed Cannon
Your non-spell minis have half as much

Glitter Grinder 1500
Every 3rd

Gnomish Flywheel
Playing a

Gnomish Repeater
Deployed minis will stay in your hand until deployed a second time.

Golden Balloon
Your Kobolds gain

Hardened Chain

Haunted Chain

Heart of Fire
On death, your minis leave behind a Heart of Fire, granting double damage on the next attack to the first ally that touches it.

Howling Warband
On death, your Minis grant

Huge Crate of Huge Bananas
Your Base will periodically throw out a Mukla banana,

Incendiary Rounds

Inspiring Parchment
Deploying your

Irradiated Thorium Plating

Leeching Poison

Light Feather

Moonglade Commendation
Deploying a

Necrology Robes
Summon 3 Skeletons whenever you play a

Nether Wraps
Deploying an

Noble Instruction
After deploying your

Orgrimmar Commendation
Deploying a

Patterned Shroud

Primal Air

Primitive Instruction
After deploying your

Prospector's Mitts
Every 3rd

Ranger's Flask

Really Big Candle
Your Kobolds gain

Really Big Pickaxe
Your Kobolds

Reflective Chain

Relentless Instruction
After deploying your

Rich Purple Silk Shirt
Your Minis costing 4 or 5

Scroll of Renewal


Shadowforge City Commendation
Deploying a

Soul Seeds
On death, your Minis leave behind a flower,

Spirit Feather
When a

Steady Shot

Stormwind Commendation
Deploying an

Strange Dust

Stranglethorn Commendation
Deploying a

Stratholme Commendation
Deploying an

Tainted Power Core
Enemies near your Towers and Meeting Stones are

Thick Armor Kit

Translucent Candle
Your Kobolds gain

Troll's Blood Potion
Allies near your Towers, Barracks, and Meeting Stones are periodically

Unstable Concoction
On death, your Minis explode, damaging nearby enemies and

Vanishing Powder
Your minis cast Smoke Bomb at 50% health,

Vanishing Powder
Your minis cast Smoke Bomb at 50% health,

Verdant Instruction
After deploying your

White Hare Moccasins
Your Minis gain

Willful Instruction
After deploying your

Windrunner Shroud

Worn Tome
Playing your

Worn Tome