Warcraft Rumble Arclight Surge Rotation Timers



BeastAlliance Statue

Beast / Alliance

Your army is replaced with Troops from Beast and Alliance families.

Charlga Razorflank Indicator Icon
Jaina Proudmoore Indicator Icon

Upcoming in 0d, 0h, 0m, 0s

AllianceUndead Statue

Alliance / Undead

Your army is replaced with Troops from Alliance and Undead families.

Maiev Shadowsong Indicator Icon
Baron Rivendare Indicator Icon
UndeadBeast Statue

Undead / Beast

Your army is replaced with Troops from Undead and Beast families.

Bloodmage Thalnos Indicator Icon
Hogger Indicator Icon
BeastBlackrock Statue

Beast / Blackrock

Your army is replaced with Troops from Beast and Blackrock families.

Charlga Razorflank Indicator Icon
General Drakkisath Indicator Icon
BlackrockUndead Statue

Blackrock / Undead

Your army is replaced with Troops from Blackrock and Undead families.

Rend Blackhand Indicator Icon
Baron Rivendare Indicator Icon
UndeadHorde Statue

Undead / Horde

Your army is replaced with Troops from Undead and Horde families.

Bloodmage Thalnos Indicator Icon
Sneed Indicator Icon
HordeBlackrock Statue

Horde / Blackrock

Your army is replaced with Troops from Horde and Blackrock families.

Grommash Hellscream Indicator Icon
General Drakkisath Indicator Icon
BlackrockAlliance Statue

Blackrock / Alliance

Your army is replaced with Troops from Blackrock and Alliance families.

Rend Blackhand Indicator Icon
Maiev Shadowsong Indicator Icon
AllianceHorde Statue

Alliance / Horde

Your army is replaced with Troops from Alliance and Horde families.

Tirion Fordring Indicator Icon
Cairne Bloodhoof Indicator Icon
HordeBeast Statue

Horde / Beast

Your army is replaced with Troops from Horde and Beast families.

Grommash Hellscream Indicator Icon
Old Murk-Eye Indicator Icon
BeastAlliance Statue

Beast / Alliance

Your army is replaced with Troops from Beast and Alliance families.

Hogger Indicator Icon
Maiev Shadowsong Indicator Icon
AllianceUndead Statue

Alliance / Undead

Your army is replaced with Troops from Alliance and Undead families.

Tirion Fordring Indicator Icon
Bloodmage Thalnos Indicator Icon
UndeadBeast Statue

Undead / Beast

Your army is replaced with Troops from Undead and Beast families.

Bloodmage Thalnos Indicator Icon
Charlga Razorflank Indicator Icon
BeastBlackrock Statue

Beast / Blackrock

Your army is replaced with Troops from Beast and Blackrock families.

Old Murk-Eye Indicator Icon
General Drakkisath Indicator Icon
BlackrockUndead Statue

Blackrock / Undead

Your army is replaced with Troops from Blackrock and Undead families.

Rend Blackhand Indicator Icon
Bloodmage Thalnos Indicator Icon
UndeadHorde Statue

Undead / Horde

Your army is replaced with Troops from Undead and Horde families.

Baron Rivendare Indicator Icon
Grommash Hellscream Indicator Icon
HordeBlackrock Statue

Horde / Blackrock

Your army is replaced with Troops from Horde and Blackrock families.

Sneed Indicator Icon
General Drakkisath Indicator Icon
BlackrockAlliance Statue

Blackrock / Alliance

Your army is replaced with Troops from Blackrock and Alliance families.

General Drakkisath Indicator Icon
Jaina Proudmoore Indicator Icon
AllianceHorde Statue

Alliance / Horde

Your army is replaced with Troops from Alliance and Horde families.

Tirion Fordring Indicator Icon
Grommash Hellscream Indicator Icon
HordeBeast Statue

Horde / Beast

Your army is replaced with Troops from Horde and Beast families.

Cairne Bloodhoof Indicator Icon
Charlga Razorflank Indicator Icon
BeastAlliance Statue

Beast / Alliance

Your army is replaced with Troops from Beast and Alliance families.

Old Murk-Eye Indicator Icon
Tirion Fordring Indicator Icon
AllianceUndead Statue

Alliance / Undead

Your army is replaced with Troops from Alliance and Undead families.

Jaina Proudmoore Indicator Icon
Bloodmage Thalnos Indicator Icon
UndeadBeast Statue

Undead / Beast

Your army is replaced with Troops from Undead and Beast families.

Baron Rivendare Indicator Icon
Old Murk-Eye Indicator Icon
BeastBlackrock Statue

Beast / Blackrock

Your army is replaced with Troops from Beast and Blackrock families.

Old Murk-Eye Indicator Icon
Rend Blackhand Indicator Icon
BlackrockUndead Statue

Blackrock / Undead

Your army is replaced with Troops from Blackrock and Undead families.

General Drakkisath Indicator Icon
Bloodmage Thalnos Indicator Icon
UndeadHorde Statue

Undead / Horde

Your army is replaced with Troops from Undead and Horde families.

Baron Rivendare Indicator Icon
Sneed Indicator Icon
HordeBlackrock Statue

Horde / Blackrock

Your army is replaced with Troops from Horde and Blackrock families.

Sneed Indicator Icon
Rend Blackhand Indicator Icon
BlackrockAlliance Statue

Blackrock / Alliance

Your army is replaced with Troops from Blackrock and Alliance families.

General Drakkisath Indicator Icon
Tirion Fordring Indicator Icon
AllianceHorde Statue

Alliance / Horde

Your army is replaced with Troops from Alliance and Horde families.

Jaina Proudmoore Indicator Icon
Cairne Bloodhoof Indicator Icon
HordeBeast Statue

Horde / Beast

Your army is replaced with Troops from Horde and Beast families.

Grommash Hellscream Indicator Icon
Hogger Indicator Icon



KingKobold Statue

Gilded Armaments

Kobolds gain 10 levels when mining GoldMinis gain 5 levels when opening a chest

Upcoming in 0d, 0h, 0m, 0s

Sappertime Statue


Two sappers spawn at each base every 15 seconds.

Bloodsport Statue


All Minis gain Bloodlust

DragonsHoard Statue

Dragon's Hoard

Gold Mines and Treasure Chests regenerate Gold very quickly.

Ding Statue


All Minis Level Up each timethey are played!

TowersOfPower Statue

Towers of Power

Towers and Meeting Stones are upgraded!

Overclocked Statue


Passive gold income increased to 300%

GlassCannon Statue

Glass Cannons

All Minis deal 30% additional damagebut deploy with 30% less health.