Astranaar's defenses have been bolstered by Huntress patrols. "Join the Silverwing Sentinels! Only you can prevent forest fliers."
Strategy Suggestion
Defend the starting push. Prepare for Huntresses to be sent from each lane (Defias Bandits with poison can solo a Huntress). If timed correctly, Safe Pilot & Polymorph can clear the other pair at the bridge when they overlap. Ghoul, Prowler, Worgen, and Raptors are cheap counters to Huntress.
Suggested Minis
Campaign Playthrough
Heroic Playthrough

Quest Guide
For every PvE mission, there is a campaign version and a Heroic version. When you first begin the game, you can only participate in campaign missions. Upon collecting 50 sigils, you will then unlock Heroic missions.
Campaign missions will grant rewards after the first successful clear with ANY family. Heroic missions must be completed with EACH of the 5 different families in order to receive the mission rewards.