
Whitemane and Mograine protect each other, defeat them at the same time! In whispers, tavern gossips debate: Is it Momane, or Whitegraine?


Fire Elemental Indicator Icon
Footmen Indicator Icon
Gryphon Rider Indicator Icon
Harvest Golem Indicator Icon
Murloc Tidehunters Indicator Icon
Pyromancer Indicator Icon

Strategy Suggestion

Left boss has Resist and elemental damage. Right boss has Armor and physical damage. Keep this in mind when sending Minis. You must kill both bosses at the same time in order to win. Use Unbound Minis or spells to deal damage to to the other boss to prevent them from resurrecting.

Suggested Minis

Prowler Indicator Icon
Quilboar Indicator Icon
S.A.F.E. Pilot Indicator Icon
Whelp Eggs Indicator Icon

Campaign Playthrough

Heroic Playthrough

Quest Helper Icon

Quest Guide

For every PvE mission, there is a campaign version and a Heroic version. When you first begin the game, you can only participate in campaign missions. Upon collecting 50 sigils, you will then unlock Heroic missions.

Campaign missions will grant rewards after the first successful clear with ANY family. Heroic missions must be completed with EACH of the 5 different families in order to receive the mission rewards.